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Photovoltaic/Solar Parks in Cyprus – Rules & Regulations

Photovoltaic and Solar Parks in Cyprus

Our law firm specialises in providing legal services for the licensing, compliance, and regulatory issues related to photovoltaic parks. We have extensive experience in assisting clients in obtaining the necessary licenses and permits for the development and operation of photovoltaic parks, as well as ensuring compliance with all relevant rules and regulations.

Green Energy in Cyprus

Cyprus is actively promoting green energy as part of its efforts to transition to a low-carbon economy and reduce its dependence on fossil fuels. Some of the initiatives and policies related to green energy Cyprus has taken include:

  1. Renewable energy targets: Cyprus has set a target to produce 13% of its energy from renewable sources by 2020, and to increase this to 16% by 2023. The government has introduced a range of incentives and support schemes to encourage the development of renewable energy projects.
  2. Net-metering scheme: The net-metering scheme allows homeowners and businesses to install solar panels and other renewable energy systems and sell excess electricity back to the grid. This provides a financial incentive for the development of renewable energy projects and reduces the cost of electricity for consumers.
  3. Feed-in tariff: The government offers a feed-in tariff for renewable energy projects that generate electricity from wind, solar, and biomass. This provides a guaranteed price for electricity produced by these projects and encourages their development.
  4. Green public procurement: The government has adopted a green public procurement policy, which requires public authorities to purchase products and services with a low environmental impact, including energy-efficient appliances, vehicles, and renewable energy technologies.
  5. Research and development: Cyprus is investing in research and development in the field of renewable energy, including the development of new technologies and the integration of renewable energy into the grid.
  6. Green bonds: The government has issued green bonds to fund renewable energy projects, which are designed to attract private investment in the sector.

Overall, Cyprus is making significant progress in promoting green energy and reducing its carbon footprint. The government’s policies and initiatives are helping to create a favorable environment for the development of renewable energy projects and encouraging consumers to adopt clean energy technologies.

License for a Photovoltaic (PV)/Solar Park in Cyprus

To obtain a license for a photovoltaic (PV) park in Cyprus, several rules and regulations must be followed. The steps involved in obtaining a license for a photovoltaic park in Cyprus include the following:

  1. Site selection and planning: The first step in developing a photovoltaic park is identifying a suitable site for the project. The site must have the potential to produce sufficient solar energy and be suitable for installation of the PV panels. Cyprus has plenty of sunshine throughout the year, which makes it an ideal location for a PV park. However, it’s important to consider the site’s proximity to the national grid, access to transportation, and potential environmental impacts. Before finalizing the site selection, a detailed site assessment should be carried out to evaluate the technical and environmental feasibility of the project.
  2. Feasibility study and design: Once the site is selected, a detailed feasibility study must be conducted to assess the technical and financial viability of the project. The feasibility study should evaluate the expected energy output, cost estimates, revenue projections, and potential returns on investment. A preliminary design of the PV system should also be developed, which considers factors such as the type and size of PV panels, the inverter capacity, and battery storage. The design should also comply with the technical standards and specifications set by the regulatory authorities.
  3. Environmental impact assessment: Before construction can begin, a comprehensive environmental impact assessment (EIA) must be carried out to assess the potential environmental impacts of the project. The EIA should consider the potential impact on air and water quality, soil, flora and fauna, and cultural heritage. The EIA should also evaluate any mitigation measures that can be implemented to minimize any adverse environmental impacts.
  4. Licensing and permits: To obtain a license for a PV park in Cyprus, the developer must apply to the Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority (CERA) and obtain the necessary permits and licenses. The developer must obtain an installation license, a connection license, and a production license from CERA. The application must include all the necessary documents, including the feasibility study, the EIA, and the design documents. The licenses are valid for 25 years and can be renewed for a further 25 years. The developer must also obtain all the necessary construction and environmental permits before beginning construction.
  5. Grid connection and metering: Once the licenses and permits are obtained, the developer must obtain a grid connection agreement from the Transmission System Operator (TSO) to connect the PV park to the national grid. The TSO will also install the necessary meters to measure the energy production and consumption. The developer must also comply with the technical specifications and standards set by the TSO to ensure that the PV system is operating efficiently.
  6. Construction and commissioning: With all the necessary licenses, permits, and agreements in place, the construction of the PV park can begin. The construction must be carried out in compliance with the applicable technical standards and environmental regulations. Once the construction is completed, the PV system must be commissioned to ensure that it’s operating as expected.
  7. Operation and maintenance: The operation and maintenance of the PV park must be carried out in compliance with the regulations and standards set by the regulatory authorities. The developer must ensure that the PV system is operating efficiently and producing the expected energy output. The maintenance of the PV system must also be carried out regularly to ensure its longevity and reliability. The developer must also comply with all reporting requirements and other obligations set by the regulatory authorities.

In summary, obtaining a license for a photovoltaic park in Cyprus is a complex process that requires careful planning and compliance with various regulations and standards. Once the project is completed, the PV park can generate clean and sustainable energy, contributing to Cyprus’s energy security and sustainability goals.

Costs for a Photovoltaic (PV)/Solar Park in Cyprus

The application costs for obtaining a license for a photovoltaic park in Cyprus vary depending on the size and complexity of the project. Some of the major application costs involved:

  1. Application fees: The application fees for a photovoltaic park in Cyprus can vary depending on the size of the project and the type of license required. The fees can range from a few hundred euros to several thousand euros.
  2. Environmental impact assessment: As mentioned earlier, an environmental impact assessment is required for a photovoltaic park in Cyprus. The cost of an environmental impact assessment can vary depending on the size and complexity of the project. It typically involves a detailed study of the environmental impact of the project and the potential risks to human health and the environment.
  3. Technical studies: Technical studies are required to evaluate the feasibility of the project and to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. The cost of technical studies can vary depending on the size and complexity of the project. It may involve a review of the engineering and design of the PV system, grid connection, and environmental impact assessment.
  4. Legal and administrative fees: Legal and administrative fees may be required to cover the costs of preparing and submitting the license application, including legal fees for reviewing and drafting contracts and agreements, and administrative fees for processing the application.
  5. Permitting and inspection fees: Permitting and inspection fees may be required to cover the costs of obtaining permits and inspections required for the construction and operation of the PV park. The fees can vary depending on the size and complexity of the project and the local regulations.

Overall, the application costs for obtaining a license for a photovoltaic park in Cyprus can range from several thousand euros to tens of thousands of euros, depending on the project’s size and complexity. It’s important to factor in these costs when evaluating the feasibility of the project and to seek professional guidance to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and to minimise costs without compromising the quality and efficiency of the PV system.

Services we offer

Our law firm specialises in providing legal services for the licensing, compliance, and regulatory issues related to photovoltaic parks. We have extensive experience in assisting clients in obtaining the necessary licenses and permits for the development and operation of photovoltaic parks, as well as ensuring compliance with all relevant rules and regulations.

Our team of highly skilled lawyers and consultants is well-versed in the complex legal and regulatory framework governing the development and operation of photovoltaic parks in Cyprus. We work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and develop tailored solutions to meet their objectives.

Our services include:

  1. Environmental Impact Assessment: We assist our clients in conducting a comprehensive environmental impact assessment, as required by the relevant authorities. Our team of environmental consultants ensures that all potential environmental, social, and economic impacts of the project are identified and addressed in the report.
  2. Licensing: We provide legal support for obtaining the necessary licenses from the Department of Energy, including assistance in preparing the application and ensuring compliance with all relevant requirements
  3. Planning Permission: We assist our clients in obtaining planning permission from the relevant local authorities, including preparing the necessary applications and ensuring compliance with all relevant regulations.
  4. Connection Agreement: We advise our clients on the technical specifications required for connecting their photovoltaic park to the national grid and assist in negotiating and drafting the Connection Agreement with the Electricity Authority of Cyprus.
  5. Compliance: We ensure that our clients comply with all relevant rules and regulations, including those related to environmental, health and safety, land use, and technical standards.
  6. Dispute Resolution: In the event of any disputes or legal issues, we provide our clients with comprehensive legal representation and dispute resolution services.

Our goal is to provide our clients with efficient and effective legal solutions that enable them to successfully develop and operate their photovoltaic parks in compliance with all relevant rules and regulations.

Photovoltaic and Solar Parks in Cyprus

See how our lawyers can help you with issues relating to Licensing & Regulation of Photovoltaic Parks in Cyprus.